Then, select all the items you want to unzip by clicking once on it (you can select more than one by clicking with the Shift key pressed). You'll have your Skins folder near the hand, now, each time you need it. Then, select the Skins folder, and with the contextual menu, create a shortcut:ĭrag your shortcut on your desktop. Open your GameData folder by double-clicking on it. If you have found several "GameData", choose the one in C:\Program Files\The Sims.

The results of the search appear at the bottom of the Find window. The look of your find window might be a bit different as I use a french version of Windows. Type "GameData" in the "Name" field, and click on the " Find now" button. We need to find our GameData folder, so click on the Start button, at the bottom of your Windows screen, and click on "Find.files or folders" Note that you can also create shortcut for your Downloads folder, Walls and Floors, but let's see first how creating the Skins folder shortcut: Once it's done, you will use this shortcut for all the skins you want to install. For installing easily our skins, we're going to create a shortcut for the Skins folder on the desktop.