You might be interested: How To Play Movie On Windows 10? Is Starbound multiplayer fun? The game is always running a server while playing it what the Dedicated Server does is allow the game to persist without you actually having a character playing in the universe. You don’t need the Dedicated Server running to do multiplayer. Once you’re all in a group, party members can click on the avatars of each other to teleport to that group member’s ship. Enter the name of your friend(s) to invite them to a party. Head to the upper left of your screen, near your player avatar, and click on the plus sign. Servers can either be locally hosted, or setup as a dedicated server, you can also rent a starbound dedicated game server from a Starbound Game Server Providers. To play Starbound in multiplayer, you need to find the IP address of a server. Multiplayer is a feature available to the players of Starbound.